PointLocals Website
A website and application for Point Locals, a platform similar to Google Maps and Google My Business that operates and lists locations from India.

Homi MVP Website
Homi is a startup platform that aims to disrupt the real estate sector in Greece by providing modernized and digitalized processes to the market.

GX Blocks Landing Page
A landing page for the pre launch of their GXB Dashboard. The client wanted asap a website prior to the full one that is scheduled for online visibility.

Congrapps Website Development
Congrapps is the first ever platform that provides successful applications for the best and most popular Law Firms in London in order to help candidates land a job.

Travelstaytion.com Redesign
The project was about redesigning the new website for Travelstaytion collborating with Eight and implementing some of their designs and various features regarding the front end.

Jobs Boost Website Development & Design
A platform where blue collar workers could easily create their resumes online and have them listed on the site so that employees can find them for their next work.

I-bio Saas Application Platform Development
A platform named Instabio which lets users take control of their free Instagram bio link to utilize all the traffic they get from it in various ways. The platform allows the users to customize their link page with an interactive interface.